A team that stands out

Arianne Gauthier expert en sinistres

450.682.2200 # 209

Arianne Gauthier

Claims adjuster – commercial-lines damage insurance

  • Business claims settlement expertise – AMF (2021)
  • DEP, secretariat, Competence 2000 vocational training center (2016)
  • Quebec Bar School (2013)
  • Bachelor of Law, University of Montreal (2011)

Arianne started at DRL in 2017 as a secretary-receptionist. Organized and with unparalleled quality and work ethic, knowing how to take initiatives and demonstrating a critical, analytical and synthetic mind, we detected in her the claims adjuster she was unaware of!

She became more involved in claims cases of all kinds as an administrative assistant to senior adjusters for almost two years.

She obtained her license from the AMF in 2021 and began her career as a claims adjuster, distinguishing herself with her innate qualities and expertise.